Luxury and VIP Concierge Services Serving Towards Spectrum Demands of Clients

Luxury Concierge Services Help Ensure Balance And Efficiency In Work And Life
February 8, 2017
Lifestyle and Personal Concierge Services Catering Towards Diverse Requests
February 8, 2017

Luxury and VIP Concierge Services Serving Towards Spectrum Demands of Clients

VIP concierge number 1 question

Luxury and VIP Concierge Services Serving Towards Spectrum Demands of Clients


The social prosperity is increasing around the world and more people are living the good life. They are also buying expensive goods and services and seek VIP concierge services of all types to live a fancied and luxury life of their choice. This has led to the growth of luxury concierge services and individuals and institutions have come up with their specializations.  It is significant to note that concierge service banners are known for their promptness towards the call made by their client and this call could be really varied. Therefore the scope of concierge services is generally unbound. What actually determines the distinction of a concierge service provider is its ability to offer towards the demanded escorts in a satisfactory manner. The contradiction of specialization in the matrix of generalization stands very much true for the concierge service agencies.


Concierge services towards HNI


The concept of luxury concierge is one that is at the core because most of the services offered by these agencies are the high worth tags in them. Whether booking a chartered plane or arranging a private Yatch ride or booking a private beach or island castle or luxury property rental & many such service demands are not the mid-range ones but are obviously sought by the super-rich individuals, families and institutions of social economy. Therefore such services are also referred to as the VIP concierge services. Such a service portfolio knows no bounds and it can vary as per the client, its orientations and fancies also. The efficiency of the concierge service agency is determined also by the ability to reach out to specialists, partners and dedicated networks that have competencies in definite areas. An example of request for luxury property rental by a client requires the ability on the part of concierge to aptly identify the best property dealers that deal in luxury properties on rent basis. Unless the concierge has the super information base, it cannot respond to the client request at short notice. This reduces the reputation of the concierge agency because it is read as inefficient by the clients who are HNI (high net worth individuals) and VIPs.


Seeking clientele satisfaction


Client satisfaction is the most important compensation for any VIP concierge company because it directly determines its brand reputation and appeal/demand in social economy. It should be stated that the marketing of concierge agency is more through the informal recommendation than through normal marketing mediums that are offered for the masses. The reviews left by a client directly serve as the motivation for other potential clients towards deciding upon the choice of a concierge agency. Thus if one client is satisfied, say with luxury property rental service, then the other client would come in automatically for service and there is no need for open domain bannering or canvassing.


Experience and dedication determines the worth


What is derived from the above discussion is the fact that the concierge agencies develop reputation and branding through continued service towards the clients. Improved knowledge base leads to better ability to respond promptly and hence customer satisfaction is ensured. We therefore find very few firms in the luxury concierge segment because in order to reach to that stage, time needs to be spent in quality service.

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